We went to the Oquirr Mountain Temple open house and only lost Ben 3 times and a few of the other kids a few times. I guess if you can't really keep track of your kids the temple is the best place to lose them.

These poor kids got so sick of me taking all these pictures, but I couldn't pass up the beautiful background at the temple.

Becca and I, we had some fun taking really bad pictures.

Kolby really knows how to babysit.

I guess Kolby gets his baby skills from his dad. This folks, is why Mamas are the nurturers.

It was so cute, all of the cousins played together in the nursery, they were filling out birth certificates and doctoring babies. They were lost in their own little imaginative world.
What an amazing view from the Conference center roof.
Boys, what more can I say? I'm not sure Brayden is very used to the way brothers are, so rough. He was a good sport and I think he and Kolby will have lots of fun together.
Boys, what more can I say?! They were fun to watch, they always do a little reverting back to childhood when they are together.
Can you believe all these kids are from just 2 moms? Now those are what you'd call stairsteps!
Uncle LeGrand's seminary classroom and a few new students.