For the best picture of Micah ever, scroll down.
I have really been out of blogging mode and saw that the Porter pictures were still on the page and that I had to distract Peyton to scroll down to my scrapbooking blogs, I really don't need any of the kids to see that post!
So, first off 2-13-11, Tyler and I collect masks and Peyton wanted on off of the wall. I gave it to her and this is what she did with it...

Silly girl, I think I would have been scared of that mask as a child.

2-15-11, Micah got his braces off!

A little drilling, that's Dr. Freeman, best ortho, I highly recommend him!

This is my favorite picture. They left us alone with this contraption for a few minutes and boy did we have fun, I got a lot of great pictures but this one is the best!

Getting all gooped up for a retainer mold. Micah hates this.

He was a cute kid before but I think he sure looks handsome now with all those straight teeth, next on the list, Jacob.