Thursday, March 24, 2011

Forgot to tell you, NO MORE BRACES!

For the best picture of Micah ever, scroll down.
I have really been out of blogging mode and saw that the Porter pictures were still on the page and that I had to distract Peyton to scroll down to my scrapbooking blogs, I really don't need any of the kids to see that post!
So, first off 2-13-11, Tyler and I collect masks and Peyton wanted on off of the wall. I gave it to her and this is what she did with it...
Silly girl, I think I would have been scared of that mask as a child.
2-15-11, Micah got his braces off!
A little drilling, that's Dr. Freeman, best ortho, I highly recommend him!
This is my favorite picture. They left us alone with this contraption for a few minutes and boy did we have fun, I got a lot of great pictures but this one is the best!
Getting all gooped up for a retainer mold. Micah hates this.
He was a cute kid before but I think he sure looks handsome now with all those straight teeth, next on the list, Jacob.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Barbie Cakes (from Last January!)

I had an unfortunate accident with my camera last year and deleted many pictures, including all of the pictures from P's 2nd birthday party and her Barbie cakes. My mom had some on her camera, but of course, with the way we do things it takes a while, they get done, just not always right away! As you can see we made good use of my Pampered Chef bowl. Next time I do Babrbie cakes I'll use two cake mixes so the girls have more adequately sized skirts, they look like they must have very short legs!
What a cute 2 year old Peyton! She's grown and changed much in the last year.