I just have too many interests, plain and simple and blogging fell to the bottom of my list. I do still want to blog, but I will just have to get to it when I can! Here are a few things that have made me happy recently.
I love conference weekend, not just because of the great words we hear, but because my family is all together in one room for longer than we ever get to be any other time of the year. Saturday sessions are my personal favorite and this year the kids all chose to sit and really listen, they were angels. My sister Morgan and her son were with us for the am session and Hannah and Tanner Dockstader even joined us for a while too. I got to work on my digital scrapbooking and enjoy just sitting there with everyone, relaxing and listening to conference! And yes, those are jelly beans, in the morning.

For Valentine's Day I made a Love word art with my mother in law that I loved so much I decided to make a similar one for St. Patrick's Day. Tyler hates the word luck, but I persisted and this is what we ended up with. The wood is not what I really wanted but we had it, and after 3 or 4 broken scroll saw blades it finally got cut out. A little sanding and Martha Stewart glitter paint and I was happy. I know the picture stinks, sorry, I am just not a photog and I can't add anything more to my list of interests.

My Grandma, a very interesting lady in many, many ways is somehow still with us and says now that she finally feels back to her old self after her time spend on life support a few years ago. I love this woman. I wanted to spend some time visiting her during Spring Break and it just wasn't working out, so I just went and grabbed her from her house and made her join us in our regularly scheduled activities. It turned out perfect, I think she liked it much better than just us going over for a visit anyway.

Our final creations.

I saw these on pinterest and loved them. Why did I never think of dying the egg whites?

We get to have cousin Essien over a lot and the boys were all enjoying my one and only wii game, the best game ever, Just Dance 3. It makes me so happy to see them all dancing together, they are just too cute, I'm happy to share my game with them any time!