It was just 2 years ago today that I had just had my 4th C-section and my very first girl. She has been a delight to us all every day since that day 2 years ago. She is every bit girl, well, mostly! She is into dolls of all kinds, babies, clothes, pony tails, headbands, makeup and polish. She talks very well and all the time. Not an hour goes by that I don't hear her sweet voice singing. I could not wait to have a girl and looked so much forward to all of the girlie things I would finally be able to do and yet, nothing could have prepared me for the amount of love and wonder and awe I feel for this girl.

Above and below are a few of the many pictures I took of her checking out her new hairstyle, a headband.

I suppose that I forgot to mention that she likes a little dress up sometimes too!

However, I think she'll have no problems being a bit of a tomboy. She doesn't mind getting dirty and she can definately hold her own with anyone that may pick on her. Just this morning, much to my chagrin, she brought in super heroes (Batman and Superman) for us to play together. I don't like playing them with the boys, and guess what? I don't playing them with her either! This girl can eat too. It's a good thing that she has Daddy's metabolism, she often eats the boys under the table.

She's a busy girl and really enjoys being outside. Her 2 favorite things to do outside are swinging and jumping on the tramp. If you want to get the cutest and most sincere belly laught from her jump with her on the tramp, she likes it best when you jump really high and hold her.
We had a small party for her last Friday and had some family over to celebrate. I made her 2 Barbie cakes which she loved and I'll have to post pictures of those soon.
Peyton, we all love you so much and are incredibly happy that you are a part of our family. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!