Thursday, January 27, 2011


We went to Christmas Tree Lane and acted out the Nativity. I loved Susan's comment on my last post about traditions being like family super glue. I have never thought of them that way before but it's so true!
Papa Ron rode with us in our car and Nana Byn Rode with Bryan and Helga in theirs.
I got to sit by my sweetie.
My sweet Bro. in law Brent (single if anyone is interested) I had to get a picture with him since we were matching in black and white, all the way down to our shoes!
The Nativity was extra special this year as it was the first year we had only kids (mostly) fill the roles. Daddy was the donkey, taking over Papa's usual place. Micah as Joseph and Miss P as Mary.
I love this picture with a side view of Mary's tummy. She's carrying a bit high I guess.
The Shepherd's were sore afraid, well, Essien looks like a munckin a little.
I was amazed at how well all the kids stayed in their roles, especially Peyton. I have never seen her so reverent. She clearly felt the Spirit that evening.
My niece Makyla is seriously the cutest little girl next to my own daughter (I have to think that). She is cute in looks yes, but her personality and demeanor are SO sweet. She got the spirit of giving that night and wanted to give the Shepherd's a few little gifts.
Nana Byn always is the narrator. She is not one to easily cry or tear up, but she did. It really was the best acting out of the Nativity that we've had yet.
I'm grateful for the birth of the Savior and the little moments like these that we have to really reflect on the meaning of Christmas.


Amie said...

LOVE the Laings!
BTW, Robyn always crys!! At least when i was around!
cute fam kelly!

Scrapally said...

I am enjoying your "We" posts! Keep em' coming! What a sweet nativity...that is great!