Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I live with a PE!

The last day of school we found out that our friend Eli passed his PE exam (Professional Engineer). We were very happy for him. It's quite a test, 3 different parts, sometimes people take it and pass none of them, Tyler was fortunate to pass one part the first time and one part the second time. He didn't get in as much study time before this third and last time taking the test so we weren't expecting him to pass his last part. It's a ridiculous amount of time you have to wait to find out results, months. So, Saturday morning while we were still in bed Tyler got on his laptop to look and see if Eli's name was on the PE website yet. Eli passed a different portion, one Tyler had already passed and you find out sooner about. So, Eli was there, a Professional Engineer! Tyler was thinking about typing his name in but didn't want to not find himself there. I told him it wouldn't mean anything if he wasn't there yet, besides, we really weren't expecting him to pass anyway...
He typed his name in, and up he popped complete with our address, it was him, a Professional Engineer! What an exciting way to find out. I made him a yummy, big breakfast to celebrate. I am so proud of him.
French toast
Potato rounds
Cantelope, which I delegated to him to cut so everything would be ready together.
Perfectly cooked bacon.
And here are the two PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS. Eli came by to congratulate Tyler. Good job you guys!

Friday, June 10, 2011

End of year awards and Peyton's Snail friend Spydo

Micah got perfect attendance again this year. A feat that is amazing to me because of my own horrific school attendance. Jacob missed only one day and he missed that day because he was sent home from school the previous day because of a fever. School policy says they have to be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school. Jacob actually cried that day because he couldn't go to school. He never had a fever that entire day either, it was gone just a few hours after he was sent home. Anyway, maybe next year. I am very happy though that we didn't have any illnesses with Micah and Jacob and that they didn't want to even fake being sick to stay home, good job boys!
Jacob got the school's Personal Responsibility Award again this year, a pretty big award and we are so happy that he is good for his teachers and a very responsible kid. He also got straight A's all year this year, shouldn't they have an award for that? They did when I was in school. So, GOOD JOB JACOB!
Each of the boys received a medal, below is Jacob's medal.
Tyler and I have been walking the boys to school in the morning, and today, on the way to school Peyton found this new little friend that she kept with her all the way home ( I didn't even crush it when she let it go!). I told Tyler I have never seen a snail crawl all over someone when being held, they always stay in their shell. I got to thinking though, I've never actually seen someone LET them crawl all over them! Don't worry, I washed her up with lot's of soap and water.
On the way home it crawled all over both of her hands front and back and then all the way to her elbow.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

gardening, birthdays and such

I finally got all the pictures off my camera and onto my computer. I didn't realize how much I had to blog about but I'll have to make some choices and limit it a bit.
A few night ago while Tyler was working late the kids and I spent some time on the trampoline together enjoying this lovely, very non Junish weather. Peyton is such a cutie when she jumps I took about 2 dozen pictures! I wish this picture below was clearer, she was making the funniest faces.
You can kind off see below, but she was wearing underwear that used to be Ben's. I thought it was cute that she was in her frilly princess nightgown wearing boy briefs. It really sums her up well, she is a little tomboy princess.
She also helped me make Ben's cake. I am surprised that she can hold the mixer by herself with one hand. Mixing is her favorite part, she says when she grows up she wants to crack up the eggs.
We had family over for cake and ice cream the night of Ben's birthday. I even picked up Grandma Kay so she could be with us. It ended up being a late night but it was fun.
All of the in town cousins (Essien and Dustin) were there. Ben never requested any certain cake and he never complained about the cake I made him. It was lacking in decorations but everyone said it was very yummy and moist. Moist is always what I hope for!

Benjamin is 6 now and pretty much the same as ever. Always making us laugh, loves games, especially the Wii and his new Lego Pirates of the Caribbean game. He has the funniest and most adorable was of saying things. He loves having a sandwich for lunch and he is an amazing reader. He is a cuddler and a love bug but when he is going somewhere, like school, you may not even get so much as a "bye". He really likes to have a friend over and he is really good on the trampoline, front, side and backflips are his specialty, he can even do 2 back flips in a row! We love you Ben!
The thunder and lightening storm was our Sunday show. It kept the kids up later than normal but we all enjoyed watching it.
Monday my friend Christie B. came over to make clips and brought us a zucchini from her garden. I told her we didn't have any zucchini or cucumber yet. I took her out to show her our garden and low and behold we had 2 cucumbers! I forgot to get a picture before I cut the big one, here they are below.
Isn't that beautiful? I love having food growing right outside our kitchen window!
Today I decided to get a hold of the weed situation in the garden and check our plants and look what I found! A green bell pepper. Our yellow and red plants have peppers on them too but they are still green, and our jalapeño plant has lots of peppers on it. I am really looking forward to our tomatoes, I don't know why, but this year our tomatoes are growing like crazy.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Read the post below too

Here is a link to a video (FYI, video is from 3 years ago when Ben was 3, Jacob 5, and Micah 7) I made with my new Windows 7 on my new laptop. It is not the one I wanted to share, there are no special effect or music, just a few subtitles. I wanted to share Peyton's birth video, I love how it turned out but Tyler doesn't want naked pics of our kids on the internet because apparently there are sick people out there. I know this, I just thought newborn video would be safe but were not risking it. If you want to see Peyton's birth video, come over, yes, that includes you Grandma Honey. My number is in the directory, Clovis 2nd ward. You are fun and I would like to be your real friend, call me and we can get together! I'm having some issues, I'll try to imbed the video, let's see if I know what I'm doing or not!