WOW! I can't believe how long it's been since I've posted. I guess all those thankful posts wore me out! I have been preparing like crazy for Christmas and trying to stay on top of everything else, so, to say the least...I have been busy.
A few, well, several years ago, back when I had only 2 kids, my sister in law, Becca made a book for each of my kids. There was a page for each family member with a picture saying "Daddy loves Micah" and so forth. The last pages in the books was a picture of Jesus and it said, "Jesus loves Micah" and in Jacob's it of course said, "Jesus loves Jacob!" Well, these books were well loved, especially by Benjamin. Yep, one of my kids that didn't have one. He looks through his brothers books all the time pointing out and naming all the family members. Well, many people have been added to our family since then, and Ben and Peyton didn't have one, so I decided to make them one using my digital scrapbooking stuff. I do believe it would be called a hybrid book! That is where you use digital stuff to make something tangible. Anyhow, I set out making Benji's book first and Micah saw it and he of course thought it was pretty cool and asked if I could redo his book (the books my sister in law made were a picture glued on construction paper and the words printed or typed on and then laminated, nothing fancy but very well loved!) I do believe they were made even before either of us were much into scrapbooking, and definately before things went digital. So I made the decision to make a book for each of my kids. There are about 40 pages for each book.
I have posted several so you get the idea. After I post this blog I am going to upload them all to Costco and order the prints!!! Becca, thanks for the idea, I love you!

Hope it inspires you! Also, I am going to try to do some catching up on my other blog, Out of the Mouths of Babes, so the posts here may be few and far between, so if you miss me, go read my other blog, leave a comment there too, no one ever comments, I often wonder if anyone ever even reads that one!